Monthly Archives: November 2016

Sweet potato an alternative way to fight poverty and hunger. At Diabo a district located Eastern Burkina is one the places where this tubercle is cultivated by a huge number of villagers. The production of potato is growing more and more and also the interest of people for this food.

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This is the last speech of Blaise COMPAORE as President of Burkina Faso. We are on the 31st October 2014 sacked by the population,Blaise COMPAORE tried to steady himself in front of the demonstrators. In this speech Blaise COMPAORE decreed the state of emergency, sacked the government, but all those measures were vain. He was compelled to exile at the end. This is the denouement of a political fight, which began years ago.

June the 30th 2013 at the PLACE DE LA NATION of Ouagadougou,political oppositions gathered together for a specific goal : Continue reading