Monthly Archives: January 2016



Today january,the 25th is a day that will remain carved in memories of Burkina Faso citizens. The government has chosen to tribute the victims of the attacks of Tin Akof and Kwame Nkruma street. At 10.15 of this morning the entire country stops working,all the television and radio stations switched on the national television frequency. Civil servants,militaries, traders, farmers everybody observes a minute of silence when the alarm of the city hall started ringing. by this deed 17millions of citizens are showing their respect and solidarity to all the people hit by the events of January the 15th 2016.



Today january,the 25th is a day that will remain carved in memories of Burkina Faso citizens. The government has chosen to tribute the victims of the attacks of Tin Akof and Kwame Nkruma street. At 10.15 of this morning the entire country stops working,all the television and radio stations switched on the national television frequency. Civil servants,militaries, traders, farmers everybody observes a minute of silence when the alarm of the city hall started ringing. by this deed 17millions of citizens are showing their respect and solidarity to all the people hit by the events of January the 15th 2016.



Today january,the 25th is a day that will remain carved in memories of Burkina Faso citizens. The government has chosen to tribute the victims of the attacks of Tin Akof and Kwame Nkruma street. At 10.15 of this morning the entire country stops working,all the television and radio stations switched on the national television frequence. Civil servants,militaries, traders, farmers everybody observes a minute of silence when the alarm of the city hall started ringing. by this deed 17millions of citizens are showing their respect and solidarity to all the people hit by the events of January the 15th 2016.



operation against terrorism

Terror in Ouagadougou. hotel Splendide assailed by terrorists. Yesterday around 8PM several unidentified undividuals opened fire on many people in a cofee shop called Cappuchino and set fire to it. Just after the attack of Cappuchino,terrorists took many people in hostage and killed 26 people from different nationalities. This attack is claimed by Al mourabitoun or blood signers that is one of the Al Quaeda brand in Africa. before the attack of the Hotel, al mourabitoun claimed another attack of police forces convoy in the North.National Army helped by FRENCH and United States special forces surrounded splendid hotel and launched the assault in the midnight. the provisory assessment is stating on 3 terrorists were killed,126 hostages have been freed and more than 33 injuries have been registered . Around 10 AM this morning, the situation was under control and army started to patrol the operation area. President Roch Mark Christian KABORE was in the operation field with his minister in charge of security and territorial administration. President addresses all his encouragements to the special forces and army. He calls the population to tell on any suspect individual and activity. President tells people that mesures will be taken to ensure the security of all the citizens and this attack that he qualified to be a cowardness will not break the determination of Burkina Faso to fight against terrorism. Roch Mark KABORE wishes a good recovering to the injuries.

paul Thieba KABA


The first government of the prime minister Paul Kaba Thieba is now known. 29 ministers and 4 secretaries of State. President Rock endorses the National Army ministry. Here is the final and complete list of the ministers:

Minister of defense and  veterans

Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

Administration and inside security

Simon Compaoré


Alpha Barry


Réné Bagoro


Hadizatou Rosine Coulibaly/Sori


Clément P. Sawadogo


Filiga Michel Sawadogo


Jean Martin Coulibaly


Smaïla Ouédraogo


Jacob Ouédraogo


Niouga Ambroise Ouédraogo


Eric Bougouma


Alpha Oumar Dissa

Ministre des transports, de la mobilité urbaine et de la sécurité routière

Souleymane Soulama

Ministre du commerce et de l’artisanat

Stéphane Sanou

Ministre des ressources animales et halieutiques

Sommanogo Koutou

Ministre du développement de l’économie numérique et des postes

Aminata Sana/Congo

Ministre de la jeunesse, de la formation et de l’insertion professionnelle

Jean-Claude Bouda

Ministre de la femme, de la solidarité nationale et de la famille

Laure Zongo/Hien

Ministre de la communication et des relations avec le Parlement

Remi Dandjinou

Ministre de l’urbanisme et de l’habitat

Maurice Bonanet

Ministre de l’environnement, de l’économie verte et du changement climatique

Batio Bassière

Ministre de la Culture

Tahirou Barry

Ministre des Sports et des loisirs

Tahirou Bangré

Ministre déléguée auprès du ministre de l’économie, des finances et du développement chargée du budget

Edith Clémence/Yaka

Ministre déléguée auprès du ministre des Affaires étrangères, de la coopération et des Burkinabè de l’extérieur chargée de la coopération régionale et des Burkinabè de l’extérieur

Rita Solange Agneketom Bogoré

Secrétaire d’Etat auprès du ministre de la femme, de la solidarité nationale et de la famille chargée des affaires sociales, des personnes vivant avec un handicap et de la lutte contre l’exclusion

Yvette Dembélé

Secrétaire d’Etat auprès du ministre de l’économie, des finances et du développement chargée de l’aménagement du territoire

Pauline Zouré

Secrétaire d’Etat auprès du Ministre d’Etat, ministre l’administration territoriale, de la décentralisation et de la sécurité intérieure chargé de la décentralisation

Alfred Gouba

Secrétaire d’Etat auprès du Ministre des enseignements secondaire, supérieur, e la recherche scientifique et de l’innovation

Urbain Couldiati

paul Thieba KABA


The ID of the new prime minister in now unveiled. His name is KABA THIEBA PAUL,56. He was on duty at ECOWAS and also at the WEST AFRICAN STATES CENTRAL BANK. He is graduate in economy and monetary doctorate degree of Grenoble University in France. He is now the one who is going to constitute and run the government. He will be tackling very soon all the issues of Burkina Faso and responds suitably to the aspirations of 17000000 of citizens who are waiting to break with misery,poverty,joblessness and other problems. GOOD LUCK MISTER PRIME MINISTER.



arton68881 President of Faso first address after his inauguration


Fighting countrymen and countrywomen of Burkina Faso.

The solemnity of this ceremony wrapped with the feelings, makes each of us direct actors either previleged witnesses or both of this glorious page of history that we are writing now.

Allow me at the beginning of my speech to express my gratitude and also the one of the citizens to all the eminent personalities whom by their being here enhance the brightness of this ceremony.

At this moment when our brave people are closing the parentheses of the transition and are moving indeed in a state of right in order to warrant a righteous governance of the state. I would like first of all to pay a worthy tribute to them. To all the valiant countrymen and countrywomen of our dear nation, fearless fighters of freedom, democracy and…

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President of Faso first address after his inauguration


Fighting countrymen and countrywomen of Burkina Faso.

The solemnity of this ceremony wrapped with the feelings, makes each of us direct actors either previleged witnesses or both of this glorious page of history that we are writing now.

Allow me at the beginning of my speech to express my gratitude and also the one of the citizens to all the eminent personalities whom by their being here enhance the brightness of this ceremony.

At this moment when our brave people are closing the parentheses of the transition and are moving indeed in a state of right in order to warrant a righteous governance of the state. I would like first of all to pay a worthy tribute to them. To all the valiant countrymen and countrywomen of our dear nation, fearless fighters of freedom, democracy and justice, who paid by their lives, those past years namely during the uprising of October the 30th and 31st 2014 and also during the the military coup of September the 16th and 17th,to you, the Nation is thankful.

Their blood shed has contributed to build up the destiny of Burkina Faso and save the country from troubles in which some unkind people wanted to lead it to. That is why,before any words else, i invite you to tribute the memories of these heroes dead in the battlefield for the sake and the dignity of the fatherland by observing a pious moment of silence…. Thank you.

To all those who suffered or who are still suffering in their flesh, i renew you all my solidarity and wish you a good recovering.

For my part, I take here the commitment to install a social and productive dialogue with all the citizens in order to break together the bounds of misery and construct in tolerance and republican discipline a strong nation,dignified and respected.

This means and imposes that dear countrymen and countrywomen we recognise to the state its place and its important role in the conduction of the state affairs,its authority,all its authority in the harmonious and regular running of the republican institutions with the purpose of insurring a good governance for the sake of the compatriots.

This requires from all of us that we know from now on, how to contend our personal selfishness, ban our useless quarrels,fight against intolerance and the crawling incivility to build together an alliance of progress which could bear our development ambition for the country.

My campaign project which is << build with the people, a Burkina Faso of democracy, economic and social progress, freedom and juctice>> has become by the people blessings, the project of the president of all Burkina citizens, who is aspiring to quench this thirst of justice, transparency,democracy and fairly shared prosperity as needed by all the nation.

National reconciliation will be the base, peace will motor,truth,justice and transparency the essential fuels which will help us build together sustainably a nation,proud,prosperous and upright.
